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Hiking in Pomurje

Hiking in Pomurje

The Willow trail was named after the overhanging willows which served as landmarks between plots of land and which were traditionally used for basket-weaving.

Deutsch, Englisch, Slowenisch [Direkt Download]
Cycling in Pomurje

Cycling in Pomurje

The Latin phrase Carpe diem (Seize the day!) definitely holds true for the Route of Delight, because this 42 km long bike route will brighten up your day and transform it into pleasure and relaxation.

Deutsch, Englisch, Slowenisch [direct download]
Endless trails for pleasure

Endless trails for pleasure

The Austrian Styria and Northeast Slovenia have many faces, as they combine adrenaline adventures, grace and the ease of life. Moreover, these regions also welcome families with children with open arms throughout all the seasons of the year.

Deutsch (Download only) [direct download]
Tschechisch [direct download]
Englisch [direct download]
Niederländisch [direct download]
Ungarisch [direct download]
Italienisch [direct download]
Slowenisch [direct download]
Nordic Walking

Nordic Walking

Whether you are looking for the best Nordic walking trails or the most beautiful cross-country skiing trails, the varied countryside, pure air and clear waters provide the perfect conditions for relaxation.

German [Direct Download]
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