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Category: Naturjuwele

Aflenzer Staritzen

In the eastern Hochschwab area are the Aflenzer Staritzen. From the Seebergsattel the trail first leads over mountain pastures, then through a forest of spruce, firs and beech into unforested land.


Here amongst the mountain pines, grows Hairy Alpenrose, bilberry, Alpine roses with their simple, delicate pink flowers, and Alpine clematis with its striking blue-violet flowers.


The ancient Alpine meadows connect on the way up. The dominant grass is Rusty sedge. The Narcissus-flowered anemone caters for bloom in striking white, the delicate pink bell-shaped flowers of the Alpine snowbell, the yellow-petalled Leafy lousewort, the Spring gentian in striking blue and as a speciality in pale pink to purple-red, Nigritella widderi.


The descent via the Gamssteig offers a circuit. The name of the Gamsteig comes from "Gams", the German for chamois; you can often see them here.


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