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Category: Naturjuwele

Boč Beech Forest

The Boč is worth visiting for both its unspoilt beech forests and its dry grasslands.


The beech forests are characterised by the wild confusion of trees: young alongside old and already dead trees. Despite this all visitors find their way along the well-marked trails.


In the herbaceous layer they find rarities, such as Hacquetia epipactis, the Dogtooth violet and orchids. The world of beetles is also impressive, with the Rosalia longicorn, Morimus asper funereus and Stag beetle. They are rarities that are dependent on dead wood.


The neighbouring dry grasslands are particularly attractive in spring: the first to appear is the Greater pasque flower with its violet petals - magnificent! Numerous orchids then come into bloom. This diversity and the neighbouring deciduous forest are the reason the insect world shows its peculiarities: amongst the butterflies there are the Clouded Apollo, the Large Blue, the Jersey Tiger and the Woodland Brown.


Those searching for a view of the entire area can climb the peak and the lookout there. On a good day you can see as far as Graz and Lake Balaton.