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Category: Themed routes, Family, pleasure

On the trail of love: Trips along the Herzspur (Heart Trail) in Bad Gleichenberg

The Heart Trail provides a sensory experience like almost no other walk.  It is a unique route that leads you through nature and, in so doing, to each other. The "Heart Trail" is about nothing other than "love".


We all know the highs and lows of a relationship. A hike on the Heart Trail always does you good. Along the way, stations invite couples to creatively engage with one another.  Double loungers in the spa gardens at Bad Gleichenberg await. There you can unwind and together remember the beginning of the love you share. On a see-saw you can try to keep the balance of the relationship or talk about dreams and desires together as you rise and fall. The tasting garden: when was the last time you picked berries and ate them together? The tasting garden encourages seduction. "Fire dies when left unfed", it reads here in a wonderful poem, for example: "As years go by seduction's off the menu. We are each other's daily bread"


The approx. 8 km long route leads you via the spa gardens through the gentle hills of the Bad Gleichenberg region and connects the two parish churches of Bad Gleichenberg and Trautmannsdorf. The hiking circuit takes about  2 ½ - 3 hours to complete. It is best to start at the Bad Gleichenberg Tourist Information Centre. There are accompanying booklets both here and in the two parish churches. Please make sure you take one on your hike!


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