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Category: Naturjuwele

River Mur floodplains at Gosdorf

At almost 50 kilometres long, the floodplains between Spielfeld and Bad Radkersburg are the largest in Styria - the Murauen. No power stations prevent the free flow of the Mur. Although it has been straightened and deepened and floods only rarely flow over the embankments, parts of the previously regularly flooded floodplains have been maintained with numerous floodplain waters and branches of the Lahnbach. This "jungle" has a wealth of species. It is particularly rich in birds, amphibians and insects, and is therefore also a high-ranking protected area. All native types of woodpecker can be found here; the Golden oriole is very numerous.


Particularly impressive are hikes or bike rides near Gosdorf in spring, when the light falls through the tree crowns onto the bright spring vegetation of anemones, corydalis, lungwort, snowbells and crocuses. And the smell gives it away: masses of exquisite wild garlic. The views from Gosdorf's 27 m-high Murturm (Mur Tower) are impressive. When are you able to look into and over the tree crowns?


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