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Category: Long hikes, pleasure

Borderland Panoramic Trail

The Borderland Panoramic Trail forms the main vein of the trail network in the south between Styria and Slovenia. It is also part of the International Hiking Trail between Sillian and Bad Radkersburg and takes you from the hiking village of Soboth along the border, crossing between Austria and Slovenia, across Wine Country to the floodplains of the River Mur.  Over beautiful, soft mountain pastures and through forests. The view of Styria and towards Slovenia from the Remschniggalm is particularly beautiful. Straight afterwards, the Natura 2000 region of Murauen and its legendary natural beauty awaits you. The finish is one that is particularly good for you. Your legs can look forward to recovering from the previous days at the spa town of Bad Radkersburg - Gornja Radgona.


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