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Category: Naturjuwele

Hartberger Gmoos, oststeirisches Hügelland (Eastern Styrian Hills)

The 70-hectare wetlands, directly on the southern border of the town of Hartberg have a varied history. Centuries ago, before it was declared an Austrian and European nature conservation area, a large lake was created here. In the previous century there was a desire to establish a large swimming lake or build a large hall. Today it is a recreational area and sanctuary for numerous animal and plant species of a kind that not many towns can boast of. More than 150 species of bird have been documented. The low moor is partially accessible using trail facilities and artificial lakes with play areas in countryside similar to a park. They invite visitors to relax, but also to experience nature. The "Naturerlebnis - Hartberger Gmoos" ("Nature Adventure - Hartberger Gmoos") Information Centre gives an insight into the local natural diversity. Species that are endangered and therefore protected throughout Europe, such as the Dusky Large Blue, the kingfisher, the Red-backed shrike and the Greater Mouse-eared bat find a home here.


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