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Category: Alpine, pleasure

Hochschwab Trail

The gateway to the Hochschwab is how the little town of Seewiesen near the Turnau at 974 metres above sea level is described. It is an ideal starting point for a beautiful circuit hike or peak trail on the Hochschwab. It is a mountain hike that is particularly striking due to its magnificent flowers in spring and the beautiful colours of the mountain forests in the autumn.  You are also guaranteed to see chamois. From Seetal it goes via the Florl Hütte, through the Untere Dullwitz to the Voisthaler Hütte. You then climb further via the Kühreichkar to the Hutkogel (Trail No. 850 / 2,035 m). At the Hutkogel you then go via the Aflenzer Staritzen back (Trail No. 853) to the Seebergsattel and on to Seewiesen at the foot of the Sattel.


The trail via the Aflenzer Staritzen is a varied hike, some of which goes across high, flat mountain pastures and along the peak ridge of the Ringkarwand with imposing panoramas over the mountain landscape of Upper Styria. The Hochschwab Trail over the Aflenzer Staritzen plateau reveals a peculiar feature of the countryside's beauty: the number of chamois in this area, which is amongst the world's most populous chamois regions.


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