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Category: Naturjuwele

Hodoško jezero

In the northeastern-most part of Slovenia, just before the Hungarian border, is Hodoko jezero. It was constructed as an artificial lake several decades ago to protect the village of Hodo below from being flooded by the Dolenci.


Over many years nature has conquered this new wetland habitat. Today the lake is a habitat for aquatic plants and numerous types of birds: Lythrum portula, Water purslane and Broadleaf cottongrass are some of the already rare plants.


Amongst the animals there is the Thick-shelled river mussel, which is threatened with extinction, the European crayfish and the otter. They are all EU protected species, as are some bird species that have found a refuge here: Kingfishers, Water rails, Little bitterns, Great Crested grebes and White storks can also be found here.