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Category: Naturjuwele


From St. Nikolai im Sölktal it's off to the southeast via the Bräualmtal (Bräualm Valley) on Hohensee lake. And the trail is worth it for nature-lovers from the start: The Bräualmbach winds its way calmly along the valley floor. There are always places to go in barefoot or watch the river trout. And soon after the snow melts, the mountain pastures are in their full glory - the narcissi bloom.


After around two hours walk and overcoming a steep section at the Dürrmoos Waterfall you reach the calm and peaceful waters of the Hohensee. The only sound is the cowbells; the cows graze lazily on the mountain pasture.


The sun reflects on the water. Alpenrose blooms on the banks; horsetail and cottongrass stand in and by the water. In the surrounding mountain pastures, Golden hawksbeard, Eyebright and Alpine coltsfoot bloom. Dwarf snowbells fight their way through the last drops of snow and show their delicate pink bell-shaped flowers. Butterflies, bumblebees and honeybees race from flower to flower, as the summer does not last long.


Those who have patience and are quiet can see snow grouse, but with their summer plumage they are well-camouflaged and not easy to spot. Chamois, on the other hand, should be easier to see on the surrounding mountain peaks.


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