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Category: Naturjuwele

Iris Meadows near Trautenfels

The wet meadows of the Ennstal are one of the last sanctuaries in Styria for the Siberian iris. You can rely on them blooming: at the beginning of June every year they appear in the meadows around Trautenfels in a strong blue.


Later in summer the meadows of Molinia show their splendour when the Devil's-bit comes to life with its violet-blue petals. The mosaic of valuable habitats - littoral, ditches, meadows and hedges - make for rich life in what is otherwise the intensively cultivated Enns Valley floor. Grey herons and Red kites find a fine feast here. Frogs and newts feel very much at home in the damp environment.


It has made the Corncrake particularly famous. It is particularly shy and difficult to spot due to its plumage, but its croaky call can constantly be heard and also explains its scientific name: Crex crex.


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