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Category: Naturjuwele

Lovrensko jezero, Pohorje

The hike begins following Hiking Trail No. 1 towards the west from the ski-lift valley station in the Rogla ski resort on the Pohorje Mountains. The ski-lifts are out of sight within just a few minutes. The hike strays across a mountain pasture region, in which casually scattered spruces grow. After the final climb to the Höhenrücken, the Lovernsko jezero appears in the spruce forest.


But where is the lake? In its place a huge highland pine upland moor has expanded. Everyone who's anyone in an upland moor creeps and crawls here:  The Black and Wood grouse, the Collared flycatcher, the Black and Three-toed woodpecker, Tengmalm's owl and the Eurasian Pygmy owl and the are some representatives of the bird world. And amongst the plants the eponymous mountain pine is immediately obvious. Peat moss, Rusty-leaved alpenrose, Bog rosemary, bilberry, Round-leaved sundew and several others grow in their shadows. They all ensure that this sanctuary for rare species is a European conservation area.