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Category: Naturjuwele

Deutschlandsberg Chasm Gorge Forest

On the edge of the town of Deutschlandsberg, under the mountain, is the access to the Deutschlandsberger Klause, an unspoilt and comfortably traversable forest gorge, through which the Laßnitz flows. Hiking on days in high summer is magnificent in this damp and cool climate. This is also responsible for the fact that a unique vegetation has formed.


Gorge and slope mixed forests comprising sycamore, ash, lime and elm characterise the forest in unchanged forest areas. The undergrowth is rich with herbs; Annual Honesty is particularly eyecatching. Its flowers are made up of four purple-violet petals; later a seed pod emerges, which shimmers silver in the sunlight until the seeds are mature. The trail leads along the banks of the river, sometimes on the right, sometimes on the left. The dippers that hunt at the water's edge can almost always be seen. Pure relaxation in Western Styria.


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