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Category: Naturjuwele

Butterfly Meadow

Fragrant colourful herbs, various orchids and grasses, butterflies, grasshoppers, bugs and other animals in almost endless numbers; buzzing, humming and chirping from all directions - a pure wealth of species. You can experience all of this on the Schmetterlingswiese on the Demmerkogel.


You can best guess at the diversity of the countryside of "Styrian Tuscany" from a lookout at the highest elevation of the Sausal. At the foot of this, on one of the last remnants of semi-dry grass, you can immerse yourself in the full majesty and wealth of the local natural world. With many thousands of types of animal, meadows like this are the centre of the diversity of species.


For more than thirty years this rough pasture and nature conservation area (more than 5 hectares) has been tended by volunteer nature conservationists so that young and old natural scientists cannot only identify the Southern festoon, the Wart-biter and the Striped Stink bug etc. in books.


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