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Category: Long hikes

Over Pohorje to Koroška

The Slovenian Mountain Trail is the oldest and most diverse connecting mountain trail in Slovenia. The trail is 500 kilometres long and leads from Maribor all the way to the Slovenian coast in Ankaran.

The trail is marked No. 1 with a red and white mountain sign. The beginning stage of the Slovenian mountain trail, which leads across the expanse of Pohorje, over the Koroška Mountain Uršlja gora and then on towards the Savinjske Alps, could be walked in several stages, and adapted to your hiking plans.

Along the trail eminent natural and cultural sites will welcome you. Be enchanted by a lovely church, explore the mysterious Pohorje primeval forest and only Slovenian volcanic mountain chain Smrekovec, and stroll between the fairytale lakes and peat bogs.


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