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Category: Naturjuwele

© Steiermark Tourismus; Foto:Leo Himsl

Donačka gora Primeval Forest (Donatiberg)

South of the Dravinja Valley lies the forested ridge of the Donatiberg. At first glance it appears rather inconspicuous, but it is home to one of Central Europe's last remaining primeval forests!


On the north slope there is a 27-hectare primeval beech forest: primitive trees with mighty trunks and overgrown with moss is how this forest looks. As the name suggests, this forest is dominated by beeches; other types of tree are the sycamore and the Wych elm. Dead trees are always lying on the floor, allowing new life to sprout. Young beeches begin to come through and a lush herbaceous layer grows.


Another botanical rarity grows on the barren chalk cliffs - the Yellow houseleek, which only grows in the Southern Chalk Alps, east of Switzerland.


There are also peculiarities to discover from the world of beetles: the beautiful blue Rosalia longicorn and the Stag beetle find ideal living conditions in forest's wealth of dead wood. It is no surprise that the primeval forest has been protected since 1956.