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Category: Long hikes, Family, pleasure

Zirbitzkogel circuit

Two days through the most beautiful countryside of the Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen Nature Park. Something to look forward to. This hike particularly impresses with its richly contrasting landscapes.  Alongside these there are panoramas that reach as far as the Niedere and Hohe Tauern as well as the Julische, Karawanken and Steiner Alps.


Above all it is the numerous lakes that lie along the Zirbitzkogel Circuit; these also make our hike even more interesting. They are complemented by glacier-polished rocks, magnificent Ice Age relics. Finally, it is the deep pine groves and wide expanses of mountain pasture that characterise the Alpine relief in this valuable treasure of the Seetaler Alps. A taste of adventurous, off-track hiking is guaranteed by taking two worthwhile short cuts, which take you directly to the Scharfes Eck and the Fuchskogel respectively.


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