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Category: Naturjuwele

Zweiflersee lakes

Two special mountain lakes lie in the southern Schladminger Tauern. From the Katschbach stream's U-shaped valley between the Dorferhütte (Dorfer Hut) and Kreuzerhütte (Kreuzer Hut) the trail leads through a steep spruce forest to the valley shoulder - both are the remains of a glacier from the last ice age.


This shoulder is almost level; the spruce forest becomes increasingly sparse and more pines enter the picture. Eventually the forest disappears - only single gnarled pines brave the unfavourable conditions at 1800 metres above sea level.


On warm summer days, however, there is nothing to be felt of this cold: honeybees, bumblebees and butterflies fly from Alpenrose to lingonberry and bilberry. Next to these, Bearded bellflowers, masterwort, Alpine avens, False helleborine and many other Alpine plants bloom.


At the same time, the blue-black waters of the Unterer Zweiflersee (Lower Zweifler Lake) shine in competition with the sun. The water has a magical attraction. Standing in the water, the mud wells between your toes; at the same time Narrow-leaved cottongrass, deergrass and Black sedge, etc. vie for your attention.


With any luck, on the way to the Oberer Zweiflersee (Upper Zweifler Lake) you will come across an Alpine salamander and perhaps a Golden eagle will circle above your head ...


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